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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

SOA Composite Sensors : Good Practice

In this article we will see how to stop a running SOA composite process. It is normal to stop from Enterprise Manager (http: // {hostname}: {port number} / em), but I thought this was not "user friendly". 

How can I use the API to identify the SOA composite instance ID? It is easiest to incorporate a composite sensor into the SCA composite. With a composite sensor, you can easily retrieve business data from a composite. You can query the composite with the data from this sensor. 

For example, you might want to create a composite sensor that outputs a primary key (such as orderId) for the composite you created. If you need to manipulate or query the composite, you can easily identify the instance ID using the sensor ID. 

For how to create a composite sensor ID, refer to the following document.


SOA - Change Logging Level for SOA 11g

This content has already been introduced in many entries, but I will keep it personally as many people still ask me.
  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.
    http: // {host name or IP}: {port number} / em
  2. Open the SOA folder, right click on the soa_infra (soa_server1) folder and select Log> Log Customization.

  3. Change the log level of the component you want to monitor. If necessary, you can change the log level of the parent package. If you set the parent log level to FINEST, a large amount of logs will be output, so it is not recommended.
  4. A confirmation message will appear asking whether to apply the change. Set it to Yes before reflecting the change.

OSB - Using JSON with Oracle Service Bus REST Services

Two new Oracle Service Bus samples have been registered on the Oracle Technology Network site. The first sample project is osb-205-SimpleREST. This demonstrates how to fully implement a REST service in OSB. “Complete” means that the following HTTP methods are implemented using OSB.
  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
  • HEAD
Another REST sample is now over. This is an osb-206-JSONREST project, which is an implementation sample for making OSB respond to JSON messages. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is often used in web browsers. Passing XML to a javascript client is not the only communication method. JSON is a popular method for exchanging data, especially for web developers. The reason for this is that JSON objects are easy to handle for javascript, but more infrastructure on the client side is needed to handle XML responses. 
For reasons of JSON characteristics, the osb-206-JSONREST sample targets HTTP methods GET and POST (both can be executed from a web browser). If you move a little, you can create a robust REST service for production environments and process XML and JSON payloads according to the HTTP Header Content-type. All OSB samples are uploaded to the SOA Suite sample site. The URL is as follows. Click the OSB section on the left side of the 

Official Oracle SOA Suite Samples

page to see OSB samples. The site also provides samples of other components of the SOA Suite, so it's worth a look. 

SOA - DB Adapter performance issue having 1-N Relations Table

I faced the problem that it took a long time to execute select in DB Adapter. There were three tables that contained a large amount of data and contained many columns, and these tables were being handled by the DB Adapter.

The database side configured a primary key / foreign key relationship between the tables and recreated the DB Adapter, but the same problem occurred. The problem occurs when the user edits the SQL on the Define Selection Criteria page of the DB Adapter. Here are some ways to work around this problem:

Open -or-mappings.xml file
Find true </ batch-reading> and change true to false

Open the DB Adapter wizard again, go to the Define Selection Conditions page, and define the where clause.  Check the Return a single result set for both master and detail tables using outer join checkbox. This recreates the SQL.

Change the where clause of this new SQL statement. Be careful not to change before the From clause.

Click Finish to deploy the project.

Test the application.

For TopLink batch attribute reading (default is true),  if this is true and you edit "Selection Condition Definition" in the DB Adapter Wizard, you may scan the entire table with a one-to-many relationship .
To avoid this, batch loading was set to false.
