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Saturday, November 27, 2010

How to Test or Create DBC File on Oracle Apps 11.5.10

Here is a way you can test & create DBC file from the application.

First of all Login to Oracle application for which you want to generate the DBC file referring below URL

http://hostname:port /OA_HTML/ jsp/fnd/aoljtest.jsp

In the below page enter the required details such as Apps schema name, Password, SID etc and click on Test

Navigate to end of the page and click on Enter AOL/J Setup Test

On the next screen you can click on Locate DBC File. Here you can see  DBC file you can copy these contents and make a DBC file to be used in OAF development by putting it under $JDEV_USER_HOME/dbc_files/secure folder

We can click on Next link to go to Verify setting in DBC file

We can click on next to test our Application login.

Click on Test Application Login.
Similarly, you have several options on left hand side that you can use as shown below.

Cheers :)


  1. Thanks Anil. It helps a lot.


  2. The above link is not working. Please provide at least the screenshot of the dbc file so that we can create our own dbc file.

  3. Very useful! Thank you very much!

  4. Hi Is there any query to create a dbc file from database tables?


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